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Antibiotic resistance
Wound infections
Antimicrobial peptides
Seek & Heal™ targeting
Targeting verification
Antimicrobial substance
Bactericide verification
Tissue friendly verification
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Wound Infections


Disinfection of wounds

Tissue selective non-antibiotic product

To decrease patient suffering and save hospital
costs, Microbionical develops Seek & Heal™, a
tissue selective, non-antibiotic product for
disinfection of wounds.

The product consists of an antiseptic substance
encapsulated in particles that selectively adhere
to bacteria. After adhering to the bacteria, the par-
ticles release the antiseptic substance. more

By the adhering and release processes, bacteria
are exposed to higher concentrations of the anti-
septic substance, compared to human tissue.

The product controls the infection without influen-
cing the wound healing process. Also antibiotic
resistant bacteria are killed by the antiseptic.


Wound Infections

Burn care sites

Severe skin burns lead to immunosuppression
and easy paths for bacteria to enter human
tissues and blood.

The patients are saved from mortal infections by
heavy use of antibiotics.

Burn units are known as a source for outbreaks of
multidrug resistant bacteria. Appearance of MRSA,
multidrug resistant Pseudomonas and Acineto-
bacter species and Vancomycin resistant Entero-
coccus species and S aureus were all linked to
burn units.



Diabetic foot wounds

Diabetes is a rapidly growing disease. Diabetic
foot wounds are caused by improper functioning
of blood circulation, decreased nerve signaling
and probably also increased infection sensitivity
diabetic's blood.

Diabetic foot wounds frequently become infected.
In the western countries about 160 000 leg ampu-
tations are annually caused by diabetic foot wound

The costs for diabetic wound treatment are about
the same in all western countries. For Europe plus
USA, the annual direct costs are about 14 000
million Euro, corresponding to € 18 per capita..

Leg ulcers

Leg ulcers are caused by improper functioning of
blood circulation and therefore may require long
time to heal. About 2% of the population is affected.
Leg ulcer care annually cost about 4 800 million
Euro in the western countries.

Surgical site infections

In USA, about 2% of all surgical operations are
followed by infection, despite presurgical treat-
ment with antibiotics. Annual costs for infections
following surgery is estimated to $1 600 million.

Wound contamination is mainly caused by bacteria
entering from some other place at the patient.

Due to bacterial resistance, the efficacy of antibio-
tics is rapidly declining. Surgical infections will
gradually become less treatable using present