Start page
Antibiotic resistance
Wound infections
Antimicrobial peptides
Seek & Heal™ targeting
Targeting verification
Antimicrobial substance
Bactericide verification
Tissue friendly verification
About Microbionical
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About Microbionical

Microbionical increases human health by providing innovative therapies
against harmful bacteria. Our main inspiration comes from careful analysis
of processes that has already been invented, tested and approved by Nature.


Microbionical was founded during
December 2009.

The company is a division of EminTech,
North Europe's leading Contract Research
Organization within semisolid product

Business idea

Microbionical develops innovative products
within the fields of pharmaceutics and medical devices.

The products are based on:
  • well known active substances.
  • safe and approved excipients.


Future Prospects

Other theraphy areas of Seek & Heal™

Seek & Heal™ particles target bacteria, and also other
cell types that have a metabolism different from healthy
human cells.

One example of a possible future application of Seek &
Heal™ technology is targeting of various cancer cells.
See initial encouraging in vitro results here

New Formulations - Pharma Industry Trend

Due to increased registrations costs for new molecular
entities (NMEs), and to the fact that many efficient sub-
stances already exist, the relative importance of innova-
tive formulations for the pharmaceutical industry will
continue to grow.

By use of new and efficient formulations, the therapeutic
index (activity compared to side effects) of proven phar-
maceutical substances can be increased.

During the last years, annually about 22 NMEs have been
registered at FDA. The number of new formulations of
well known substances was 46 during 2010.